Showing posts with label The secret of bhaktiyoga swami ramsukh dash ji.Spiritual books. Bhakti marg. Gorakhpur gitapress. Path to god. God realization. Bhagwad bhakti marg.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The secret of bhaktiyoga swami ramsukh dash ji.Spiritual books. Bhakti marg. Gorakhpur gitapress. Path to god. God realization. Bhagwad bhakti marg.. Show all posts

9 Aug 2021



    - BOOK NAME:   The Secret of Bhatiyoga

     -WRITER:           Jayadyal Goyandka

     -PUBLISHER:    Gitapress

     -PAGES:               318

     -PRICE:           Rs.30


We feel happy to present 'The secret oh Bhaktiyoga' by Sri Jaydayal Goyandka in the hands of our readers devoters who are already familiar with the author and his accomplishments and no more require any introduction. 

The present book is a compilation of his discourses published in ' The Kalyan Kalpataru' from time to time. It contains 24 articles on Bhaktiyaga embracing almost all topics in regard of devotion. How to practice Bhakti, how to meditate upon God, nine forms of Bhakti illustrated and explained with the example of Bharata, the glory of Satsanga quoting some examples of devotees, name, form,sports and secrets of the lord and the concept of reverence exemplifying with Rama Katha are some important topics and are most valuable for those who are treading the path of devotion. It is in a way a handbook to end beacon light for the beginners and worth reading even for the accomplished devotees. 

We feel sorry that we could not publish it earlier. in the end we apologies for any shortcomings and request our readers to enlighten us on the point to enable us to remove the errors in future editions.