4 Aug 2021


    - BOOK NAME: Five Divine Abodes

     -WRITER:          Jaydayal Goyandka   

     -PUBLISHER:    GItapress

     -PAGES:               48

     -PRICE:           Rs.6

We are happy to present this small educative booklet Five Divine Abodes (five abiding places of God ) composed by Brahmalina Sri Jaydayal Goyandaka. 

There are reference of five different qualities;-

 1. (filial piety)of Muka Chandala 

 2. ( feminine chastity) of Shubha

 3. (Brahmacharya) of Adrohaka

 4. (truthfulness)of   Tuladhara 

 5. (devotion of god ) by |Vaishnava.

These five qualities are real homes of God supreme and five great sacrifices- this is what has been highlighted by the author in the booklet. The episodes included in this booklet come from padmpurana composed by Sri Vedavyasa.

It is indeed a worth reading book discussing five stairs of self-sublimation. I hope the readers would get benefited from it. 



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