6 Aug 2021



    - BOOK NAME:  The Secret of Premayoga

     -WRITER:          Jaydayal Goyandka

     -PUBLISHER:    Gitapress

     -PAGES:               192

     -PRICE:           Rs.20


It is a mother of great pleasure to me to submit this book 'The Secret of Premayoga ' to our readers. Brahmlina Late Shri Jaydayal Goyandka does not require introduction to the followers of spiritual discipline. he was an exalted soul, a devotee of the highest order who was blessed with divine vision even during his life time. 

Present book is a compilation of 16 articles written by him and published in the Kalyan-Kalpataru from time to time. It is valuable and useful book particularly for those aspirants who are striving to realizeGod and obtain His blessing  through bhaktimarga or the path of love and devotion. It can serve the purpose of a true guide to the Sadhakas on this path, toddling and trying. 

To cut it short, the book is in the hands of the readers It was a standing demand from some friends to publish these precious notes in book from which could materialize after a prolonged waiting. We hope our readers will generously excuse us for any shortcomings, commissions and omissions for which we must shoulder the responsibility. 

I have received much needed co-operation and help from many corners for which I express my gratitude to all of them. We will feel our endeavour fruitful if this book renders any service to those who are fellow travellers on the path of bhakti.  

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