7 Aug 2021



    - BOOK NAME:  Gems of Truth

     -WRITER:            Jayadyal Goyandka

     -PUBLISHER:    Gitapress

     -PAGES:               176

     -PRICE:           Rs.15


There are some people who hold god to be a mere imagination; but a careful thought would betray their ignorance in respect of the true nature of god . God is not something imaginary like a castle in the air. That which is imaginary is false and that which is false cannot stand the test of reason. It is liable to appear and disappear; though visible, it can not abide in one particular form and is constantly undergoing transformation. On the other hand that which is real is not liable to appear and disappear. It is always beginning less abides in one form and is not subject to change. 

With these few words of introduction I recommend this volume to the English reading public in the hope that they will read it with interest and assimilate whatever they find useful in it.  On behalf of the translators I tender my sincerest apologies for the many shortcoming of the translation. Similarly, on behalf of the publisher, I humbly apologize for any misprints that may have inadvertently crept in the volume. 


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