9 Aug 2021



     -BOOK NAME:  Srimad Bhagvadgita

     -WRITER:           Sri krishna Arjun samvad

     -PUBLISHER:    Gitapress

     -PAGES:               222

     -PRICE:           Rs.30



As a book of scripture, the Bhagvadgita has assumed a position of universal interest. Its teachings have gained appreciation not only in India, but far beyond its borders. Our gita library alone comprises about 1400 editions of the Bhagvadgita published in 34 different language. We have brought out this new English edition in book form and we trust it will find fav-our with the English reading public. The English translation  of this edition has been based on the Hindi rendering of the Gita made by Sri Jaydayal Goyandka and appearing in the Gita-tattva  Number of the Hindi monthly 'Kalyan ',  published by the Gitapresss. In preparing the present English translation, the translators have made use every now and then of other English translations of the Gita and express their grateful acknowledgements for the same. 

In this edition some suggestions given by Sri J. P. Agarwal, former Controller of examinations, Kurukshetrs University, have been incorporated in order to improve certain expression in translation originally   given in this book. 

We hope that our readers will welcome this new edition of the Gita wholeheartedly as usual.



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