7 Aug 2021



    - BOOK NAME:  How to Lead a Household Life

     -WRITER:          Ramsukhdasji

     -PUBLISHER:    Gitapress

     -PAGES:               94

     -PRICE:           Rs.10


Lord Sankara wears garland of skulls and snake while Parvati wears beautiful ornaments. Sankara's son Kartikeya has six faces while ganesa has a long trunk and big belly. Their vehicles - bullock, lion, peacock, and rat also devour each other. In spite of different (contradictory)  natures there is always unity in lord Sankara' s family. (In the same way every person should live with the members of his family, who have different natures, with affection, renouncing his pride and pleasure, keeping in mind the welfare and convenience of other)". 

Beside this book there sre two more booklets 'Gaurd Against the Deadly Sin' and 'Duty of Offspring' (duty to parents ) written by Swamiji which are also very useful for householders Readers are requested to study these two booklet also and be benefited by them. 

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